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Preparing a Garage Door For Winter

Is Your Garage Door Ready for Winter?

Residential Garage Doors / December 31, 2024
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Preparing a Garage Door Operating System for Winter

As winter approaches, many homeowners prepare heating systems, seal windows, and insulate their homes. However, the garage door often goes overlooked despite its importance in protecting the garage and home from winter’s challenges.

Your garage door plays a crucial role in maintaining indoor temperatures, protecting belongings, and ensuring seamless daily routines. Follow these essential tips from Overhead Door Company of Huntsville/North Alabama™ to ensure your garage door system is ready for the cold season.

Visual and Auditory Inspection

Observe and listen to your garage door as it operates. Jerky movements or unusual sounds, like squeaks or grinding, can indicate worn components or alignment issues. When left unaddressed, these problems may worsen in the cold, potentially causing an untimely breakdown.

A quick inspection every few weeks during winter can help catch issues early. Identifying warning signs early helps youavoid unexpected repair needs when temperatures are at their lowest.

Regularly watching how the door moves and listening to abnormal noises can save time and money in the long run.

Inspect Weather Stripping

Weatherstripping is your garage door’s first defense against cold air, moisture, and dirt. However, with exposure to temperature changes, the stripping can crack or wear out, reducing its effectiveness.

Carefully inspect the weather stripping around your door. If you see gaps, tears, or brittleness, it’s time to replace the weatherstripping to ensure that your garage remains insulated from the elements. This small step can make a big difference in maintaining a comfortable temperature in your garage and adjacent rooms.

Replacing worn weather stripping is a simple DIY task for many homeowners. However, if you’re unsure about the process, consulting a professional can ensure the job is done efficiently and effectively.

Lubricate Moving Parts

Cold weather can stiffen the metal components of your garage door, such as springs, rollers, and hinges. Lubricating these parts helps them glide smoothly even when the temperature drops.

Use a non-silicone-based lubricant specifically designed for garage doors—avoid household oils like WD-40, which can damage plastic or rubber parts. Apply a light coating, then wipe off excess to prevent dust buildup, which can trap moisture and freeze.

Remember, proper lubrication ensures smooth operation and reduces wear and tear, extending the lifespan of your garage door system.

How to Lubricate Your Garage Doors

Motor Performance and Cold Weather Challenges

Cold weather can impact the performance of garage door opener motors, often leading to slower operation or reduced responsiveness. The primary cause lies in temperature-related changes to the lubrication and increased resistance. As temperatures drop, lubricants on the door’s moving parts thicken, reducing their effectiveness. This added viscosity increases friction, forcing the motor to work harder to lift or lower the door. As a result, you might notice slower movement or, in severe cases, motor stalling. Regular maintenance and proper lubrication can help mitigate these issues.

Is My Garage Door Motor Broken?

Clean Tracks and Rollers

Over time, dirt and grime accumulate on the tracks and rollers of your garage door, which can interfere with its operation, especially in winter. Cold weather can cause any trapped moisture in the dirt to freeze, affecting the door’s movement.

Use a cloth to wipe down the tracks and rollers, removing any built-up debris. Avoid using harsh cleaners as they may damage the door or its components.

Use a mild soap and water solution for tougher grime, but ensure the tracks are completely dry afterward to prevent freezing.


Test Safety Sensors

Safety sensors prevent the door from closing on obstacles, protecting your family and pets. Snow, ice, or dirt buildup may obstruct these sensors, leading to malfunctions. Ensure they’re aligned, clean, and functioning.

To test, block one sensor while closing the door; if it works properly, it should reverse. If issues arise, a professional adjustment may be needed to maintain reliable operation through winter.

Safety should never be neglected. Faulty sensors cannot only put loved ones at risk but also damage your garage door if objects are caught underneath it.

More of Safety Sensors 

Brittle Springs

Cold weather can render garage door springs more brittle and prone to breakage. While southern winters are generally milder, monitoring your springs for signs of wear and tear is crucial. Unusual noises or irregular door operations can signal potential issues. When in doubt, have a professional inspect and replace the springs as needed.

Should You Open a Garage Door With a Broken Spring? 

Check the Insulation of the Garage Door

If your garage door isn’t adequately insulated, cold air can seep in, affecting your home’s energy efficiency and potentially freezing pipes in adjacent areas. Modern garage doors often have built-in insulation, but older doors may require additional measures. Adding insulation to your garage door can help reduce energy costs and maintain a more stable temperature inside.

If upgrading to an insulated garage door isn’t an option right now, consider using an insulating garage door blanket or other temporary solutions. When doing this project DIY, be careful, as it can change the weight and balance of your garage door, causing issues with its function.

Ice Buildup Prevention

Freezing rain and frost can cause ice to accumulate at the base of your garage door, even in areas without heavy snow. This buildup can prevent the door from sealing properly, letting cold air and moisture seep into your garage. To avoid this, regularly clear ice and frost from the area around the door to maintain a tight seal and protect your garage from the elements.

Power Outages and Backup Plans

Winter storms often bring power outages, which can leave electric garage door openers inoperable. To avoid being stuck inside or outside your garage, ensure you’re familiar with your door’s manual release mechanism. Additionally, consider investing in a backup battery system for your opener, providing reliable operation even during power interruptions.

Schedule a Professional Tune-Up

For comprehensive winter preparation, scheduling a professional tune-up can save you from larger issues. Overhead Door Company of Huntsville/North Alabama™ offers expert inspections, adjustments, and necessary repairs, ensuring your garage door is ready to face winter head-on. From replacing worn weather stripping to adjusting springs and checking safety sensors, a professional service can cover all the details that keep your door in top condition.

A tune-up ensures safety and efficiency and gives you peace of mind knowing your garage door system is winter-ready. When it comes to protecting your home and family, professional care is an investment worth making.

By preparing your garage door for the winter season, you can ensure smooth operation, enhance energy efficiency, and avoid unexpected repair costs. If you need assistance with any of the steps above or want to schedule a tune-up, contact Overhead Door Company of Huntsville/North Alabama™ today.

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Disclaimer: The information provided is for informational purposes only. Professionals should perform garage door repairs. Overhead Door Company of Huntsville/North Alabama™ disclaims any responsibility for injuries or damages resulting from reliance on this information.